Social Language

There are rules for how we use language in different situations and different groups of people. Children may have difficulties with these social communication rules and require speech and language therapy. Social communication skills include three major skills which are using language for different reasons, changing language for the listener according to the situation, and following rules for conversation and storytelling. Using language for different reasons could include greetings, informing, demanding, promising and requesting. Changing language for the listener includes talking differently to a child than an adult, giving more information to someone who does not know the topic and talking differently in different environments. Following rules for conversation and storytelling include taking turns to talk, letting others know the topic when you begin speaking, staying on topic, trying to say something differently for better understanding, using gestures / facial expressions / eye contact and body language. All these aspects of social communication are essential for proper communication with others.


A child with social communication problems may exhibit the following:

  • Say the wrong thing when talking, laugh inappropriately or go off topic
  • Tell stories that do not make sense
  • Use language in a limited way
  • Lack of turn taking, eye contact, and facial expressions when communicating
  • Associated speech and language disorders


  • At Q Enrichment Center, our Speech, Language and Swallowing Pathologist will conduct an extensive comprehensive assessment to determine the type of difficulty, the severity, as well as the diagnosis related to his / her social communication difficulties. A detailed report will be completed along with a treatment plan specific to each individual’s needs.
  • Our Speech, Language and Swallowing Pathologist will help the child learn how to use language with different people and in different situations.


“What a fantastic team at Q Enrichment Center. I 100% recommend them for any family. They conduct themselves in the most professional attitude all around, they are welcoming and my son enjoyed the service thoroughly. Thanks again.”
– Jean (Mother of child client)

“Q Enrichment Center has “A brilliant speech therapist she single handily helped me overcome the difficulties of dysphagia. Her work truly is a vocation, her desire for me to make a full recovery was just as strong if not stronger than my own. By far the best therapist I was fortunate enough to deal with.”
– Chris (Male adult client)

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