Occupational Therapy for Children

Children’s primary occupations are play and participation in school.  Development of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, visual perceptual skills, sensory motor skills and emotional regulation skills are essential to ensure a child excels in school or at home academically, physically, socially and emotionally.  The occupational therapy intervention focuses on remediating and developing such skills which cause a barrier to learning. 

At Q Enrichment, we provide a prompt, high-quality assessment and treatment service for children’s occupational therapy.

Children who present with the following may require occupational therapy:

  • Poor fine motor control
  • Difficulty with handwriting
  • Difficulty with visual motor and perceptual skills
  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Difficulty with motor-planning
  • Delays in motor milestones
  • Easily distractible or restless
  • Low muscle tone
  • Poor postural control
  • Avoids gross motor play
  • Delays in age related play

We provide occupational therapy treatment for the following conditions:

Learning difficulties – is a term used to describe a neurological difficulty with processing certain types of information.

Scholastic challenges – is a term to describe challenges affecting a child’s performance in academia, fine motor and gross motor skills.

Global Developmental Delay – is a condition where a child presents with a significant developmental delay.

Downs Syndrome Speech & Occupational Therapy (OT)

Down Syndrome – is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of part of or all of a third copy of chromosome 21.  It is typically associated with mild to moderate intellectual impairment, physical growth delays and characteristic facial features.

Cerebral Palsy Occupational Therapy (OT) In Dubai

Cerebral Palsy (“CP”) – is a condition as a result of a brain injury or a brain malformation which affects the muscles in the body and the ability to control muscles, in a child.

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorders (“ASD”) – is a developmental disorder characterized by challenges with sensory processing, social skills, verbal and nonverbal communication and behavior.

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“What a fantastic team at Q Enrichment Center. I 100% recommend them for any family. They conduct themselves in the most professional attitude all around, they are welcoming and my son enjoyed the service thoroughly. Thanks again.”
– Jean (Mother of child client)

“Q Enrichment Center has “A brilliant speech therapist she single handily helped me overcome the difficulties of dysphagia. Her work truly is a vocation, her desire for me to make a full recovery was just as strong if not stronger than my own. By far the best therapist I was fortunate enough to deal with.”
– Chris (Male adult client)

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