Developmental Delays

Global Developmental Delay – is a condition where a child presents with a significant developmental delay. Global Developmental Delay can be described as a condition were a child presents with a significant delay in speech, cognition or physical ability in comparison to developmental norms. One, multiple or all areas can present with a delay (e.g. speech, cognition or physical development). These delays can be seen from the age of 3 months or later. There may be an underlying medical condition which would need to be investigated by a Paediatrician. Developmental norms need to be reached so that a child develops all necessary skills to engage in school and play activities as they get older.


  • Child has skipped or not reached a milestone (e.g. sitting, crawling, standing or walking)
  • Child has skipped or not reached a milestone in terms of holding and releasing items from the hand
  • Child has not reached a milestone of paying attention and an engagement with an object or task


  • At Q Enrichment Center, our Occupational Therapist will conduct an extensive, comprehensive assessment to determine the degree of the developmental delay. A detailed report will be completed, along with a treatment plan specific to each individual’s needs.
  • Intervention can focus on:
    • Encouraging and facilitating correct developmental milestone patterns
    • Exercises to develop muscle strength, coordination and cognitive abilities
    • Facilitation of development through play and sensory stimulation
    • Training the caregiver to perform a home exercise programme
    • Advising on appropriate assistive devices / technology, if required by the child


“What a fantastic team at Q Enrichment Center. I 100% recommend them for any family. They conduct themselves in the most professional attitude all around, they are welcoming and my son enjoyed the service thoroughly. Thanks again.”
– Jean (Mother of child client)

“Q Enrichment Center has “A brilliant speech therapist she single handily helped me overcome the difficulties of dysphagia. Her work truly is a vocation, her desire for me to make a full recovery was just as strong if not stronger than my own. By far the best therapist I was fortunate enough to deal with.”
– Chris (Male adult client)

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