Learning Difficulties

Learning difficulties – is a term used to describe a neurological difficulty with processing certain types of information.

  • Learning difficulties need to be formally diagnosed by a psychologist or paediatrician
  • Some of the most frequently occurring conditions are: Dyspraxia, Dyslexia or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / Attention Deficit Disorder (“ADHD” / “ADD”, respectively)
  • Some learning difficulties are seen in isolation and others alongside each other
  • Dyspraxia: is described as a motor learning difficulty which can impact gross and fine motor skills as well as coordination. Messages from the brain are not relayed to the body effectively
  • Dyslexia: is described as a reading disorder which affects reading accurately and fluently. It may also affect mathematics, writing, spelling and comprehension. It is a lifelong condition, but there are compensatory strategies to facilitate learning and function
  • ADHD / ADD is a chronic condition used to describe difficulties with attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity


  • Difficulty organising their work or themselves
  • Difficulty with memory
  • Struggles to create neat, legible work
  • Produces work at a slower pace and falls behind in class
  • Difficulty copying work from the board or a book into their own book
  • Loses their place while reading or copying
  • Easily distracted
  • Problems remembering the sequence of things
  • Difficulty spelling
  • Difficulty reading
  • Struggles to recall instructions
  • Makes careless mistakes
  • Struggles to sit still
  • Fidgety
  • “Zones out” during a task


  • At Q Enrichment Center, our Occupational Therapist will conduct an extensive, comprehensive assessment to determine the specific difficulties experienced by your child. A detailed report will be completed, along with a treatment plan specific to each individual’s needs.
  • Intervention can focus on:
    • developing skills to improve participation in activities of daily living, learning and play
    • Improving underlying visual perceptual, motor abilities and attention using compensatory skills and alternative methods of learning to improve academic performance
    • Establishing a routine
    • Encouraging and facilitating correct developmental milestone patterns
    • Teaching the teacher, parent or caregiver by providing exercises and compensatory strategies that can be incorporated at home or school
    • For more information on how a Speech, Language and Swallowing Pathologist can help with this condition, click here.


“What a fantastic team at Q Enrichment Center. I 100% recommend them for any family. They conduct themselves in the most professional attitude all around, they are welcoming and my son enjoyed the service thoroughly. Thanks again.”
– Jean (Mother of child client)

“Q Enrichment Center has “A brilliant speech therapist she single handily helped me overcome the difficulties of dysphagia. Her work truly is a vocation, her desire for me to make a full recovery was just as strong if not stronger than my own. By far the best therapist I was fortunate enough to deal with.”
– Chris (Male adult client)

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